Something isn't right. You're on thyroid medication, your lab tests are "normal", but you feel awful.

The good news is that you don’t have to suffer with low-thyroid symptoms anymore. We have answers and offer convenient treatment, no matter where you live.

We offer a consultation for you to understand on a deeper level, what can be done to help you get back on track.

“Dr. Kajiki was extremely helpful in improving my health! Using his protocols and suggested supplements, I was able to get my symptoms under control. He helped me refine my diet, and figure out many of my triggers. It was nice to go into his office, and know that he had really listened to me! He is a kind practitioner, and I appreciated his advice and guidance. He was extremely helpful in my healing. Thank you, Dr. Kajiki!”

Joy Ferrante

It's time for a different approach.

Dr. Kajiki specializes in treating various thyroid-related conditions, including Hashimoto’s Disease, which is a condition that can be confirmed by a simple blood test for TPO and TGB antibodies. Unfortunately, if your TSH levels are in the normal range, most doctors will not investigate any further.

Thyroid problems can be difficult to diagnose and treat Many people are suffering from thyroid problems, without even knowing it..

Dr. Kajiki's comprehensive consultations offer a treatment approach for thyroid issues that's different than traditional thyroid practices.

The treatments aim at identifying critical triggers that overstimulate the immune system, meaning your symptoms may not even be related to your thyroid.

Why Dr. Kajiki's Methods Work

A Natural, Functional Medicine Approach to Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto's.

What makes Dr. Kajiki's treatment approach different and more effective is that he performs functional medicine, which involves looking at the entire body and prescribing pharmaceutical-grade nutritional and herbal supplements, as well as lifestyle and dietary changes, to promote recovery.

This is in opposition to traditional medicine, where a doctor simply prescribes medication to target one or more of your ongoing symptoms. An approach that obviously hasn’t worked for you thus far.

Dr. Kajiki's consultations provide a unique method for addressing thyroid problems, as opposed to the usual methods used in traditional thyroid treatment. This consultation goes through each trigger and will help you understand how to overcome the issues arising from them.

Common triggers include:

  • Inflammation

  • Hidden Infections

  • Gastrointestinal Problems

  • Anemia

  • Chemical Sensitivities

  • Adrenal Gland Dysfunction

  • Food Sensitivities

  • Blood Sugar Instability

  • Hormone Balance

Once your triggers are identified, a treatment approach that is specific to your needs will be established and this ensures that any underlying issues that are contributing to your health problems will be targeted directly. In other words, you will not simply be given the same protocol as other women who have similar symptoms, and that is what makes a major difference in getting on the road to recovery.

Dr. Kajiki has dedicated his life’s work to helping people with ongoing thyroid issues who no longer want to accept traditional medicine’s failed attempts to treat them. Today, his wife is symptom free. You can also regain your life! To learn more about how you can start to get your life back, schedule a free 15 minute consultation today!

“Dr. Kajiki was extremely helpful in improving my health! Using his protocols and suggested supplements, I was able to get my symptoms under control. He helped me refine my diet, and figure out many of my triggers. It was nice to go into his office, and know that he had really listened to me! He is a kind practitioner, and I appreciated his advice and guidance. He was extremely helpful in my healing. Thank you, Dr. Kajiki!”

Jesica Nkouaga

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Are you tired of experiencing low thyroid symptoms?



Mood Swings

Dry Skin

Coarse Hair

Abdominal Bloating

Heavy Periods

Irregular Periods

Extremely Low Energy Levels

Intense PMS

Cold Sensitivity


Mental Performance

And many other debilitating symptoms?

Have you repeatedly been told that your thyroid tests indicate that your TSH levels are normal, or been given frustrating suggestions such as “try exercising more,” “maybe your health problems are psychological”, or “maybe you should consider taking an antidepressants”?

Have the previously recommended treatments and medications failed to relieve your symptoms time and time again?

If you answered YES to each of these questions, then you may be suffering from a thyroid-related condition that your doctors are not properly testing for.

Dr. Kajiki's comprehensive consultations will help you understand how to navigate through the symptoms and begin the journey of relief.

About Me

Dr. Gil Kajiki, C.F.M.P., D.C.

I'm Here to Help.

Dr. Gil Kajiki is a board licenced Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine (D.C.) from Pasadena College of Chiropractic, is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (C.F.M.P.) from the Functional Medicine University, and holds a Bachelor’s of Science from Pasadena College of Chiropractic. Dr. Kajiki has also completed post-grad courses in functional blood chemistry, functional endocrinology, the thyroid, and integrative detoxification systems.

Dr. Kajiki is the founder Valley Thyroid Institute, a functional medicine practice that specializes in the treatment of various thyroid conditions including, but not limited to, Hashimoto’s, low thyroid, and Grave’s disease. He upholds the principle that each patient is unique and therefore deserves individualized treatment specific to their needs.

My Story

Experiencing symptoms without understanding why you’re experiencing them can be troubling, frustrating, irritating, and many other emotions that come with uncertainty about our health. You feel helpless. The same situation happened to my wife, Kim.

After battling with a variety of symptoms — night sweats, heart palpitations, fatigue, you name it — doctors continued to tell her that her lab results were ‘normal’ and nothing was wrong, but we knew better. Watching her struggle on a daily basis was difficult and it lit a fire in me; it led me to figure out what the root cause of the symptoms she was experiencing were. It had become my mission and purpose — to ensure she didn’t have to struggle like this ever again.

After tireless research, I finally figured it out. Reviewing her labs in-depth over and over, they revealed something that had consistently been overlooked by medical professionals. While all of her labs presented as ‘normal’, there was something more. With the knowledge I gained through my research, I created a protocol for my wife to follow, and after many trials and some minor tweaks, we found something that worked — she no longer had any of the symptoms she originally presented with.

No one should have to watch their loved ones struggle with their health and no one should have to experience a breadth of symptoms with no answers. We feel helpless, sad, upset because we cannot help them.

Because of my wife, I have dedicated my practice to helping Hashimoto’s and low thyroid patients to overcome their symptoms naturally using diet and lifestyle changes.

If you are struggling with symptoms and aren’t sure why or what is causing them, we are here to help you. Regardless of your location, we want you to get the help you need. We offer nation-wide and international consultations by Skype. Offering individualized treatment approaches, no matter what the condition you present with, you will be taken care of.

Valley Thyroid Institute

At VTI, we specialize in treating thyroid conditions through targeted metabolic nutrition. All of our protocols encompass three aspects:

  1. Nutritional supplements (herbs, enzymes, detoxes, anti-inflammatories)

  2. Lifestyle changes

  3. Dietary protocols

Combining a traditional approach with modern therapies and the best functional assessment tools, we have over 12 years experience effectively treating cases like yours to help you get back in control of your health and your life. Where necessary, you will be referred to a specialist if the condition is out of Dr. Kajiki’s scope of practice.

Is this your first consult?

The goal of your initial consultation is to understand why you are experiencing your current symptoms, how all of the body systems are linked, and how your lifestyle contributes to your health.

Patients will be asked to complete a comprehensive 14-page information intake form prior to meeting with Dr. Kajiki. This document contains 21 categories of body dysfunction that will help Dr. Kajiki to determine the main triggers of your symptoms. Providing lab tests are available, there will also be a functional interpretation analysis of lab work to further narrow down triggers and the root cause of your condition(s).

Common Conditions

At Valley Thyroid Institute, patients present with a variety of symptoms linked to a wide array of underlying conditions. Most commonly, we see:

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

An autoimmune condition and the most common cause of hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s is a condition whereby your immune system attacks your thyroid gland, damaging it to an extent that it cannot produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones. The most common symptoms associated with Hashimoto’s is an enlarged thyroid gland, also known as a goiter.


Simply put, hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland that doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones to keep the body functioning normally. As such, body processes start to slow down and you experience symptoms such as cold intolerance, fatigue, dry skin, and constipation.

Graves Disease

Grave’s disease is an autoimmune condition that causes hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid. With Grave’s, the body’s immune system attacks the thyroid causing it to produce excess thyroid hormones. Most commonly, people will experience a fast and irregular heartbeat, frequent bowel movements, heat intolerance, nervousness or irritability, muscle weakness, weight loss, and sleep issues.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is a common disorder of the large intestine that affects more women than men that causes the colon to become spastic and funciton abnormally. Most commonly, people with IBS will experience the ABCDs — abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.


Dr. Kajiki was extremely helpful in improving my health! Using his protocols and suggested supplements, I was able to get my symptoms under control. He helped me refine my diet, and figure out many of my triggers. It was nice to go into his office, and know that he had really listened to me! He is a kind practitioner, and I appreciated his advice and guidance. He was extremely helpful in my healing. Thank you, Dr. Kajiki!

Joy Ferrante


The beginning of my symptoms were more blood sugar related so I was leaning towards diabetes, and I would go to doctors where they had no answers. I struggled for 15 years with bloating, fatigue, weight gain, swelling, and hair loss among other symptoms before coming to Dr. Kajiki. After just a week of working with him, I felt so much better. After 4 months of working with Dr. Kajiki, the majority of my symptoms had improved. Together, we got a handle on my symptoms and I have been given the tools on how to maintain my health to get back on track when symptoms arise. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Thank you!



Dr Kajiki has been a great help to me and my treatment of Hashimotos. I learned a great deal about diet and supplements which will last me a life time. After following his protocol, I began to feel better and better. I am still following so much of his advice and it continues to help.

Thank you to Dr. Kajiki!

Jesica Nkouaga


I came to Dr. Kajiki for a suspected autoimmune condition that doctor’s weren’t helping me with. I was fatigued, tired, lacked motivation, didn’t want to get out of bed, depressed, was gaining weight, and had very bad bladder pain that never ceased. We changed my eating and started on supplements and after 2 weeks, I had zero bladder pain; my sleep is better, my energy levels are better, I’m up and out of bed earlier, and I’ve got the fight back in me. I’m just getting started and looking forward to what’s next.

Thank you Dr. Kajiki!


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